Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I made these marbles in a glass flame working class using a 2 different marble making techniques. 


Face with brown stain and metal chain.  Made based off found image.

Abstract piece with droopy human face,  1/4" slabs, black stain, red high fire glaze

Abstract piece. Made of 1/8" and 1/4" inch slab. Black stain and Green medium fire glaze.

Abstract piece. textured coils and 1/4" slab red and black stain
1/4" Slab Bowl. High fire glaze

In my Advanced drawing and design class we were assigned to make our own skateboard graphic.  I decided to paint a bear because it's the mascot of Berkeley.  The top says Ride the Lightning, the name of a Metallica song, making one think of all the potential radical maneuvers this one skateboard deck holds.  The bear says 510akland.  I was born in oakland and the local skate shop is called 510.  I continued with the theme of the deck with a custom grip tape job.  Used only paint pens for the graphic.


Linocut print, pink-purple printed on top.  Character representing peace and power, based on Ganesha.   Hands representing different symbols.
Linocut print with water color pencils on top and around.
My skateboard.
My right hand, pencil.
Linocut print black to yellow fade.  Bronze yellow printed on top.

Linocut print, water color pencil.

This wizard piece represents myself and the surrounding details representing multiple important  aspects of my life and the ones around me.  For example, skateboarding, colors, patterns(flower of life), money, power of imagination, wanting power, Cal Berkeley campus, my home and etc.. This was made on  thin poster board with acrylic's, water colors, paint pens and magazines.